Stategies to Improve Creative Writing

Saunders is a popular writing instructor, perhaps because he has such an engaging way of talking about the craft. He divides his weeks into three days teaching and four days writing, and it seems to work well for him.

With that in mind, George Saunders gave some piece of advice to those who want to write creatively.

Strategies for a Creative Writing

Here are some of the helpful ways, in which according to Saunders, may be beneficial in making creative writing.

1-Put numbers on all drafts

For Saunders, self-editing is part of the writing process. For each major revision, he renumbers his manuscript.

Big changes can be overwhelming, and to end up having good writings needs to make constant revisions.

2-Print it

Printing a new copy to read, which helps him see what works and what doesn’t in a physical space. This process makes him feel more comfortable reading the physical copy of the manuscript.

3-Sense if you are already over-revising

In the beginning, writers should overwrite because it gives them a feeling of familiarity with their world. You can learn your own warning signs of over-revising by noticing when humor is lost in your work.

4-Do not ignore the problem

If you try to deny your problems and ignore them, your story will not be very good. However, if you admit that there is a problem in your story and face it, the end result will be much better.