Pranksters From Literary Pieces You Might Want To Know More About

Harry Potter Book and a Cat


We all understand April Fools’ Day has come and gone but it’s never too soon to begin planning pranks for the following calendar year. As most of us know, the many elaborate pranks take time to scheme. What greater way to draw inspiration from books? We’ve put together a listing of the greatest pranks and pranksters in literature. You might get inspired and use a prank calling app to pull off some tricks on your friends too.

The Odyssey from Homer

We’ve got no clue how this historical prank may be applicable now, but we have to sacrifice Odysseus’s crazy props. Odysseus includes a clever escape airplane in which he and his men are all trapped at the Cyclops, Polyphemus’ cave. He receives the Cyclops drunk, so blinds him and that makes his departure hiding below a flock of sheep. Whenever the Cyclops had requested Odysseus his title before, he reacted with the phrase “nobody” Hence, the Cyclops begins crying, “nobody is killing me” This can be majorly embarrassing, particularly when you’re supposed to be a demanding, mythical monster.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

Tom Sawyer is a master of pranks, however, our favorite is when he tips his friends to pay him to paint a weapon, by pretending it’s entertaining (the entire pretending you’re dead to determine that your funeral is somewhat unkind for us). The excellent thing about that is you can take advantage of this suggestion year-round. Do not wish to write a report to the boss? Act like it’s the most esteemed, significant report, along with your coworker will probably soon be begging to take it on. Do not wash to wash out the home? Pretend that you’re enjoying it along with your roommate…Alright, the prank has its own limits, but if it works, it’s magical.


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The Harry Potter Collection by J.K. Rowling

If you wish to come across the sins of pranks, search no farther than Fred and George Weasley. As they are not star students, they invest nearly all their time in Hogwarts getting into all types of mischief and yanking the top pranks. They quit college to begin their own company: Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes a joke store that sells things such as Extendable Ears and Weasley’s Wildfire Whiz-bangs. You know you’ve committed your entire life to prank if you begin a partnership that permits other people to draw their own pranks. Therefore, if you’re trying to find your own prank thoughts, go over to the neighborhood joke shop. Fred and George, we trick our Headless Hats for you personally to be an inspiration for us all.

Searching for Alaska from John Green

There’s not any greater location to locate prank inspiration in relation to a publication on a boarding college. Even the Colonel and Alaska are at a prank war with all the Weekday Warriors (the wealthy kids of the faculty), plus they surely serve up fantastic revenge pranks. They send fake progress reports for their opponents’ parents and place blue hair dye within their own shampoo bottles. Not merely can the Weekday Warriors currently endure an unflattering similarity to Gonzo the Muppet, however, additionally they property insignificant problem with their parents. As an adult, It’s difficult to utilize the improvement report crap in everyday life, but perishing people’s hair thinning colors is always a chance.