Modernism is a culture that came from Europe and penetrated the United States on the 20th century. It affects different fields including the arts, music, and literature through the expression of modern life senses. In the field of literature, there are some features of this so-called culture that have a great impact on the American literature.
Features of Modernism that Affects the American Literature
The American literature has gone through some modifications from the contemporary literature writing. And the American literature has been affected because of some aspects of modernism.
1. Worldwide Destruction
Destruction and chaos originated from the First World War are the main themes of the modern American literature. As these themes are appreciated by the modernist, it reflects the end of Western civilization’s old cultures.
Most of the literary modernists welcomed the damage of conventional form.
2. Cultural Fragmentation
Fragmentation is somehow related with destruction. However, in the modern literature, the forms of literary elements are broken.
3. Cycles of Life
One way to showcase modernity through literature is by imbibing the cycle and rejuvenation themes.
4. Loss and Exile
In modernism, the traditional truths and some images are not welcomed which separates them apart from religion. Moreover, literary modernism particularly showcases loss, exile and isolation as themes.
5. Social Evils
Another feature of modernism that is reflected by literature is the awareness of the negative personalities of the society.